Join us for Cat.Chat VBS 2024, June 10-13 from 9am-12pm at Holy Rosary! Children ages 4 through 5th grade (Fall of 2024) are welcome to register for these four days of FUN!! Our theme this year is, “Cool Kingdom Party: Mary Leads Me Closer to Jesus”. Join us as we learn more about our Blessed Mother Mary and how she leads us to her son, Jesus.
Thanks to a generous donor, the cost per child is $10.00. Please bring payment to the Parish Office or on the first day of VBS. Register now using the online form below. Please register by Monday, May 6.
Middle school students, high school students, and adults are needed to help make VBS a fun week for our young ones. Click on the VBS 2024 Volunteer Sign-up under the Faith Formation tab on the home page to sign up to help – thank you!
Contact Kathy Olson at kaolson@holyrosarycc.org or (218) 847-1393 with questions.