
A Catechist is someone who teaches the Catholic faith to a small group of children or youth, helping form them as disciples and witnesses of Jesus Christ. Catechists are needed for grades Preschool through 11th grade on Wednesday evenings from September through April. Team teaching (two adults teaching together or taking turns teaching every other week) is encouraged and welcomed! Click here to find out more about what the role of a catechist is.

Substitute Catechist

When our catechists are not able to teach from time to time, it is vital that we have adult volunteers to fill in for them.

Classroom Aide

It is very helpful for a catechist to have a high school student or another adult present in the classroom to help reinforce what they are teaching as well as support them in managing their classroom

Parking lot Monitors

To ensure the safety of our children as they leave Wednesday evenings, volunteer are needed form 7:10-7:30pm to watch and assist children as they wait for their ride home.

Prayer Tester

Knowing the prayers of our Catholic faith is an important part of developing a friendship with Jesus. Volunteers are needed to “coach” and test children during Faith Formation classes on their prayers.

Feeding the Faith

Teens LOVE to eat! Help feed our middle and high school youth before Faith Formation class on Wednesday evenings by donating treats, cooking or serving the meal. Sign up here to help.