Join us for Cat.Chat, Radical Ride: On the Wings of Prayer VBS 2025, June 9-12 from 9am-12pm at Holy Rosary! Children ages 4 through 5th grade (Fall of 2025) are welcome to register for these four days of FUN!! We invite children to get onboard Cat.Chat Airlines and take off on a Radical Ride with us around the world with Amazing Angels and Super Saints! Buckle up as you prepare to soar with inspiring and practical lessons about prayer.

Thanks to a generous donor, the cost per child is $10.00. Please bring payment to the Parish Office or on the first day of VBS. Register now using the online form below. Please register by Monday, May 5.

Middle school students, high school students, and adults are needed to help make VBS a fun week for our young ones. Click on the VBS 2025 Volunteer Sign-up under the Faith Formation tab on the home page to sign up to help – thank you!

Contact Kathy Olson at or (218) 847-1393 with questions.

Vacation Bible School Registration Form

Child #1
In the Fall
Allergies, Medical Concerns
Child #2
In the Fall
Allergies, Medical Concerns
Child #3
In the Fall
Allergies, Medical Concerns
Child #4
In the Fall
Allergies, Medical Concerns

Parent Information



Medical Treatment

Medical Treatment: In the event it comes to the attention of the employees/volunteers of Holy Rosary Catholic Church associated with Vacation Bible School that my child needs immediate medical attention and neither the parent or the emergency contact cannot be reached, I give permission for the VBS staff to call Emergency Medical Services.


I give permission for my child/children to be photographed during VBS. Photos will be used for the VBS slide show and may be put on the parish website and used in communication sent out by the parish.